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Sleep Apnea Treatment
TAP® Thornton Adjustable Positioner

Sleep Apnea Defined
Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when the airway completely collapses blocking airflow into the lungs. The harder one tries to breathe, the tighter the airway seals. This airway obstruction persists until the brain partially awakens the person. Unconsciously, he/she will close the jaw returning the tongue and throat to a normal position.
The Sleep Apnea cycle - falling asleep, jaw relaxing, airway collapsing, unconsciously awakening with a gasp, falling back asleep - can repeat itself 50 or more times per hour during the night. With a blocked air passage, one does not receive enough oxygen. Both the awakenings and oxygen deprivation can then trigger other health problems.

The Unique Approach of TAP®
The airway must be opened to allow air to pass through the throat. A constricted or collapsed airway causes snoring or Sleep Apnea. The TAP holds the lower jaw in a forward position so that it does not fall open during the night and cause the airway to collapse. The TAP maintains a clear airway to reduce snoring and improve breathing.
TAP® is comfortable and custom-made to prevent any change in teeth position or mouth structure. They are patient-adjustable, allowing for maximum comfort and effectiveness.